This training activity is implemented under
the Memorandum of Understanding between EVNNPT and FGC UES signed in August 2017. This is one of the cooperation
activities implemented annually in order to support the power system management
and operation.
In the morning of 26th November 2018, an
opening ceremony of the training courses was held, chaired by EVNNPT's Vice
President Luu Viet Tien. The participation of ceremony includes: EVNNPT's functional
Departments, subsidiaries, all trainees and experts from Federal Grid Company
of the Unified Energy System.
The trainees are the technical staff of EVNNPT
and its subsidiaries such as Power Transmission Company No. 1, 2, 3, 4 and the
Power Transmission Service Company (NPTS).

Mr. Luu Viet Tien - EVNNPT's Vice President and Ms. Eliveta Nikolova - Director of
Resources Training Centre of FGC UES have a photo taken, with participation by
the trainees and organizers
After the general opening session, the trainees
were separated into 2 training courses of different topics: “Substation
equipment testing by non-destructive inspection methods” and “Arranging and
carrying out reparing works of power transformers”.
Participating in the training, technical staff
of EVNNPT had a chance to understand, study knowledge and do a practice, with the contents on: (i) Equipment
and methods in transformer ultrasonic by optical devices, from which the
failures in transformer are found. The trainers carried out a practice in the
course so that the learners recognize the failures normally occurred to
transformers, the ways to find out failures and ways to treat them.; (ii) Procedures
and steps to repair transformers, the technologies to make cooling of
transformers; the new technologies such as checking, evaluating the transformer
insulators by thermal images, or drying transformers by spraying hot oil inside
According to the learners, the training
contents are rather informative, of which some knowledge and skills have been
applying in EVNNPT, while some others are new and have not been applied. The
learners have a chance to practice, increase skills and access to the new
knowledge. EVNNPT would have further study, understand on the effectiveness of
the methods in order to apply in the power transmission system of Vietnam.
At the end of training courses, the learners
have participated in a Closing and Certificate Award Ceremony.
At the Ceremony, Mr. Luu Viet Tien - EVNNPT's
Vice President made a speech to thank the Russian experts for the thoughtful
training services, with information and experiences sharing so that the
learners had a chance to exchange, bring into full play the existing knowledge
and skills. Vice President Luu Viet Tien has also recognized that these
training courses are the first cooperation activities in the Cooperation
Agreement between the two sides. Hopefully, the training courses would bring in
the necessary and useful information, which help the EVNNPT's technical staff
to receive and understand sufficiently the knowledge and skills provided by
Russian experts in order to apply them in the daily work.

Mr. Luu Viet Tien - EVNNPT's Vice
President made a speech at the Closing and Certificate Award Ceremony
Ms. Elizaveta Nikolova – Director of the
Resources Training Centre of FGC UES has made a speech on post-training feeling.
She revealed that providing training to EVNNPT's technical staff is a great
pleasure both for her and the whole team of FGC UES experts; thanked all the
learners who have been active in learning new skills. She also told that transferring knowledge and experiences
to EVNNPT's technical staff was very beneficial for further strengthening
cooperation between EVNNPT and FGC UES.The Russian experts noted the eagerness and attention of learners during
the training courses. Hopefully, the two sides will push up a closer
cooperation, and FGC UES is willing to support and cooperate with EVNNPT to
carry out the bigger and the more in-dept cooperation activities./.
Some photos taken during the training

Ms. Eliveta Nikolova - Director of
Resources Training Centre of FGC UES made a speech at the Closing and
Certificate Award Ceremony

Mr. Luu Viet Tien - EVNNPT's Vice
President and Ms. Eliveta Nikolova - Director of FGC UES's Resources Training
Centre awarded certificates to the trainees